CWA President Chris Shelton Calls for All Hands on Deck to Pass PRO Act to Build Union Member Power

On a legislative-political activist team call this week, CWA President Chris Shelton urged CWA members to keep pressure on their Members of Congress to support the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the bill next month.
"We heard, as I know many of you on this call know, that there would not be a vote without at least 218 sponsors of the House bill, and we're at 219 now," Shelton said. "A number of those members agreed to sponsor the bill specifically because of the hard work that all of you put in. So now we're on the verge of this historic vote. This is an amazing achievement, but we also know that there are many members of Congress who are still waffling or trying to dodge taking a position."
The PRO Act puts power back in the hands of workers and reverses decades of legislation meant to crush unions. It would update outdated American labor laws to better protect strikes and other protest activities, make it easier to bargain union contracts, strengthen protections for workers who want to join a union, and prevent the misclassification of workers as independent contractors.
Shelton stressed the importance of continuing to call and write members of Congress. "We need to work hard over the next few weeks to hold those members' feet to the fire and make sure we get a good strong vote in support of the PRO Act to continue to build momentum for labor law reform," he said.
To send an email to your member of Congress about the PRO Act, visit
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